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词汇 say
释义 say (noun) say (interjection) say 23 ENTRIES FOUND: say (verb) say (noun) say (interjection) saying (noun) say-so (noun) cheese (noun) dare (verb) die (verb) fair (adjective) goose (noun) hasten (verb) hear (verb) know (verb) least (noun) needless (adjective) never (adverb) nothing (pronoun) piece (noun) so (pronoun) suffice (verb) that (pronoun) what (pronoun) word (noun) 1 say /ˈseɪ/ verb says /ˈsɛz/ ; said /ˈsɛd/ ; saying /ˈsejɪŋ/ 1 say /ˈseɪ/ verb says /ˈsɛz/ ; said /ˈsɛd/ ; saying /ˈsejɪŋ/ Learner's definition of SAY 1  : to use your voice to express (something) with words说;讲 [+ object] “Is anybody there?” he said.“有人吗?”他说。 “Good morning,” said the woman behind the counter.“早上好。”柜台后的女人说道。 I said three words before he interrupted me again.在他再次打断我之前我说了三个词。 I just stopped by to say hello.我只是顺路过来打个招呼。 He left without saying goodbye.他不辞而别。 I wanted to say thank you for all you've done for me.我想为你所做的一切说声谢谢。 She said something about going to the store after work.她说了下班后要去商店什么的。 He said something in French.他用法语说了些什么。 Anything you say to the police can be used as evidence against you.你对警方所说的任何话都可能成为呈堂证供。 Don't believe a word he says.别相信他说的任何话。 Please be quiet. I have something to say.请安静,我有话要说。 Listen closely, because I'm not going to say this again/twice.仔细听,我不会说第二遍。 What did you say?你说什么? Who shall I say is calling, Sir?那我应该说是谁打的电话,先生? Did she say how to get there?她有没有说怎么去那儿? I said to myself, “I can do it.”我心里想,“我能做到。” He said (that) he was a doctor.他说自己是一名医生。 I can honestly say (that) I had never seen that man before today.我可以诚实地说今天之前我从未见过那个男人。 I already said (that) I was sorry.我已经说过对不起了。 You know what they say, “If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.”你知道人们常说,“如果不能打败他们,就加入他们。” As people/they say, “You can't teach an old dog new tricks.”正如人们所说,“老狗学不来新花样。” Her eyes are hazel, which is to say [=which means that] they are greenish brown.她的眼睛是榛子色的,也就是棕绿色的。 “A word of advice: don't mention the war.” “Say no more [=I understand you; you do not need to explain it further]—I'll stay off the subject!”“一句忠告:别提战争。”“我知道了,我不会再触碰这个话题!” [no object] “What happened next?” “I'd rather not say.”“接下来发生了什么?”“我还是别说了。” 2  [+ object] : to express (an opinion)表达(见解) She thinks I should break up with him. What do you say? [=what's your opinion?]她认为我应该和他分手。你怎么看? What would/do you say to seeing a movie tonight? [=would you like to see a movie tonight?]今晚去看场电影怎么样? “After all, he was the last person to see her alive.” “Are you saying that (you think) he killed her?”“他毕竟是她死前见过的最后一个人。”“你认为是他杀了她?” I say you're wrong. [=my opinion is that you're wrong]我认为你错了。 I wouldn't say (that) he's a great guitarist [=I don't think he's a great guitarist]; he's just OK.我认为他不是一个伟大的吉他演奏家。他水平一般。 They say (that) you should drink eight glasses of water a day. = It's said that you should drink eight glasses of water a day. [=the opinion of people who know about this subject is that you should drink eight glasses of water a day]据说人每天应该喝八杯水。 New England is said to be [=many people think New England is] very beautiful in the Fall.据说新英格兰秋季的风景很美。 “Is the island nice?” “So they/people say.”“那个岛美吗?”“人们都说很美。” I must say it was quite a surprise to hear from him. = I have to say it was quite a surprise to hear from him.我必须说,收到他的来信我很意外。 I'm not saying we shouldn't buy the car. All I'm saying is that we should think about it some more.我并不是说我们不该买这辆车。我的意思是我们应该再考虑一下。 I didn't really enjoy the movie, but that's not to say it was bad.我不太喜欢这部影片,但这并不意味着它很差。 Say what you like (about it), I thought it was a good movie.不管你怎么看,反正我觉得这部电影不错。 Seeing your reaction, I would say that you're jealous that he has a new girlfriend.看你的反应,我认为你是嫉妒他有了新的女朋友。 The dress seems too fancy for the party, wouldn't you say? [=don't you agree?; do you think the same thing?]穿这条连衣裙参加派对似乎太花哨了,你说呢? I'll say this for him —he's very generous with his money.我要为他说句公道话,在钱的方面他很大方。 “She's a great singer!” “If you say so.”“她是个伟大的歌唱家!”“你说是就是吧。” 3  : to express (a fact) with certainty确信,确定(事实) [+ object] No one can say for sure whether it will happen.谁也不能确定那是否会发生。 It is hard to say what caused the injury.很难说造成伤害的原因是什么。 There's no saying [=it is impossible to know] how many people died in the earthquake.很难确定这次地震有多少人死亡。 [no object] “When will you be done?” “I couldn't/can't say.” [=I don't know]“你什么时候能完?”“不好说。” ◊ This sense is often used in indirect questions beginning with who to express disagreement or to say that something cannot be known for sure.此义项常用于由who引导的间接疑问句,表示不赞同或说不准。 Who says I can't do it? I can do anything if I put my mind to it.谁说我做不到?如果我用心的话,任何事情我都能做。 Who's to say they wouldn't have won if their team was healthy?要是他们队都很健康的话,没准儿他们就赢了,谁说得准呢? Who can say what will happen? [=no one knows what will happen]谁知道会发生什么呢? 4  : to give (an order) : to tell someone to do (something)发出(命令或指示);让某人做(某事) [+ object] I said leave me alone!我说过了,让我一个人待会儿! “Why do we have to go?” “Because your father and I said so.”“我们为什么一定要走?”“因为你爸爸和我让你这么做。” Mom said to wait here.妈妈让在这儿等。 She's the boss. What she says goes! [=you have to do what she tells you to do]她是老板。她说什么都得照办! “Let's try installing the program one more time.” “Whatever you say —you're the expert.”我们再试着装一遍这个程序吧。”“听你的,你是这方面的专家。” “Don't you ever bring that subject up again, do you hear me?!” “Okay, okay. Whatever you say.”“别再提那个话题了,听见了吗?!”“好,好,全听你的。” [no object] Don't start until I say (so/to).等我说了你再开始。 5  [+ object] : to pronounce (a word)念,读(单词) How do you say your name?你的名字怎么读? 6  [+ object] : to repeat or recite (something)复述;诵念 We always say our prayers before going to bed.我们总在睡前祷告。 Can you say the poem from memory?你能背诵这首诗吗? A new priest said Mass this morning.今天上午一位新牧师做了弥撒。 7  [+ object] : to use written words to give (information)写明,注明(信息) What does the card say?卡片上写的什么? Does the article say how the fire happened?这篇文章有没有写明火灾是怎么发生的? The letter says that I've been accepted to the college.信中说我被大学录取了。 It says here that there will be a special guest at the concert.这里注明说音乐会上将有一位特别来宾。 The instructions say to add two eggs.说明上注明要加两个鸡蛋。 8  [+ object] : to show or indicate (something) by using numbers, pictures, etc.(用数字、图片等)标示,显示 The clock says five minutes after ten.时钟显示十点五分。 The calendar says that Christmas falls on a Monday.日历显示圣诞节在星期一。 9  [+ object] : to express (a meaning, emotion, etc.) without using words表明,表现(意思、情感等) She likes art that really says something.她喜欢真正有内涵的艺术。 The kind of car you drive says a lot about the kind of person you are.你开哪种车在很大程度上表明你是哪种类型的人。 The look on her face said “I'm sorry.”她脸上的表情是在表达“对不起”的意思。 His face said it all. = His face said everything. [=his face showed how he felt]他脸上的表情已经说明了一切。 10  a  — used to suggest an example or possibility比如说;假如 Let's pick a math problem. Say problem number 3.我们选一道数学题吧。比如第3题。 Say you do get accepted to the college. Will you go?假如你真的被那所大学录取了,你会去吗? We could leave on any day—say on Monday.我们哪天走都可以,星期一也行。 Let's say you're right, for argument's sake.为方便讨论,假设你是对的。 Suppose you won, shall we say, one million dollars. What would you do with it?假设你赢了,比如一百万美元,你会用这笔钱做什么? b  — used to suggest a possible or approximate amount, value, etc.估计;约莫 The property is worth, say, four million dollars. = The property is worth four million dollars, say. [=the property is worth about four million dollars]这处房产大约值四百万美元。 can't say fairer than that British, informal — used to say that you cannot make a better offer than the one you have made(出价时用)再公道不过了 What do you think? I can't say fairer than that, now, can I?你认为呢?我这已是最公道的价格了,不是吗? enough said — see 3enough fair to say — see 1fair go without saying : to be obvious and true不用说;显而易见 It goes without saying that I'll do whatever I can to help you.不用说我也会竭尽全力地帮助你。 hasten to say — see hasten have anything/something (etc.) to say about 1  : to have an opinion to express about (something)对…发表意见 I asked what she thought about the movie, but she didn't have anything to say about it.我问她觉得这部电影怎么样,可她完全没有想法。 2  : to have the ability to influence (something)对…有话语权;有能力影响 “I'm going to the party.” “Not if I have anything/something to say about it.” [=not if I can stop you]“我要去参加派对。”“要我说,别去。” have something/nothing/much (etc.) to say for yourself : to be able or unable to say something that explains what you are doing, have done, etc.有/没什么/有很多话要说 I asked him about school, but he didn't have much to say for himself.我问他关于学校的情况,可他没多少话说。 Your teacher says you were caught cheating. What do you have to say for yourself?你的老师说你作弊被逮住了。你有什么要解释的吗? having said that or that said : despite what I just said尽管这么说;话虽如此 Their work has been fairly good. Having said that, I still think there's a lot of room for improvement.他们的工作做得相当好。话虽如此,我仍然认为有很大的提升空间。 Much of the book was very dull. That said, I have to admit that the ending was extremely clever.这本书的许多内容都很无聊。话虽如此,我不得不承认结局非常精彩。 I dare say — see 1dare if I may say so also if I might say so — used to express criticism or disagreement in a polite way如果我可以这样说的话(用于委婉地表示批评或不同意) The whole affair—if I may say so—was a waste of time.如果我可以这样说的话,整件事情就是浪费时间。 if I say so myself — used when you are saying something that praises your own work, skill, etc.如果要我自己来说(用于表示对自己工作或技能的认可) I did a fine job painting the room, if I say so myself.如果要我自己说的话,那个房间我粉刷得很不错。 I'm a pretty good golfer, if I say so myself.如果要我自己说的话,我是个非常不错的高尔夫球手。 I hear what you're saying — see hear I'll say informal — used to indicate that you completely agree with something just said当然,就是(表完全赞同) “Isn't it hot today!” “I'll say (it is). It's unbearable!”“今天天气真热!”“就是!简直难以忍受!” I say British, old-fashioned 1  — used to express surprise, shock, etc.表惊奇、震惊等 I say! Isn't that your friend over there?哇!那不是你的朋友吗? I say! That's a wonderful idea.太好了!真是个好主意! 2  — used to attract the attention of someone用于引起注意 I say (there). Can you help me?嘿,能帮我一下吗? needless to say — see needless never say die — see 1die never say never — see never not to say — used to introduce a more forceful or critical way of describing someone or something即使不是…;虽不能说… His manner was discourteous, not to say offensive.他的举止即使算不上冒犯,至少也是有失礼貌的。 He was impolite, not to say downright rude!他虽称不上是十分粗鲁,至少也是不礼貌的。 say cheese — see cheese say no : to say that you will not accept or agree to something拒绝;否定 We requested more time, but she said no. [=she refused to allow us to have more time]我们请求再给点时间,但她拒绝了。 — often + to She said no to our request.她拒绝了我们的请求。 I never say no to dessert.我对甜点来者不拒。 say something/little/a lot (etc.) for : to show that (someone or something) does or does not deserve to be praised, admired, etc.表示某人(或某事)值得/不值得/很值得夸赞等 It says a lot for her that she stayed in the game even though she was injured.尽管受了伤,她仍然坚持完成了比赛,很值得称赞。 The students' low test scores don't say much for the education they're receiving. [=the low test scores show/suggest that the students are not getting a good education]学生考试成绩差说明他们没有得到良好的教育。 say the word — see 1word say what US, informal — used to express surprise at what someone has just said你说什么(表惊讶) “I'm moving out.” “Say what?”“我要搬出去。”“你说什么?” say yes : to say that you accept or agree to something接受;赞同 — often + to They said yes to our plan.他们接受了我们的计划。 say your piece — see 1piece suffice (it) to say — see suffice that is to say — see 1that that said — see having said that (above) that's not saying much — used to indicate that a fact, achievement, etc., is not unusual or impressive那没什么了不起;那说明不了什么 He is a better golfer than me, but that's not saying much (because I'm not a good golfer).他高尔夫球比我打得好,不过那说明不了什么。 there is something/a lot/much (etc.) to be said for — used to indicate that something has advantages which deserve to be considered when you are thinking about what to do是有/很有必要(或好处)考虑…的;…是值得考虑的 There is something to be said for small weddings.有必要考虑一下小规模的婚礼。 It is not necessary, but there is something to be said for traveling abroad to learn a language.虽然不是必需的,不过出国旅行学习一种语言是值得考虑的。 to say nothing of — used when referring to another thing that relates to what you have just said更不用说;而且还有 We need more time, to say nothing of [=not to mention] money. [=we also need more money]我们需要更多时间,还需要更多的资金。 The restaurant makes its own delicious bread, to say nothing of a great spaghetti sauce.这家饭店自制美味面包,还有一种很棒的意大利面酱。 to say the least — see 2least when all is said and done — see 3all you can say that again informal — used to indicate that you completely agree with something just said你说对了;正是如此 “She's in a bad mood.” “You can say that again.” [=she certainly is]“她情绪很糟。”“你说得没错。” you don't say — used to express surprise不会吧,不至于吧(表惊奇) “She ran off with another man.” “You don't say!”“她和另一个男人私奔了。”“不会吧!” — often used ironically to show that you are not at all surprised by something我就知道(常作讽刺之意,表示对某事一点也不感到惊讶) “They lost again.” “You don't say. What's that, eight in a row?”“他们又输了。”“我就知道,这是第几场,连续八场了吗?” you might say — used to suggest a possible way of describing or thinking about something或许你会说;也可以说 The experience was, you might say, a glimpse into the future.这次经历也可以说是对未来的一次短暂的体验。 you said it informal — used to indicate that you completely agree with something just said正是如此,正合我意(表完全同意) “That was a pretty selfish thing for him to do.” “You said it.”“他那么做太自私了。”“是呀,你说的没错。” “Let's grab something to eat.” “You said it. I'm starving.”“我们弄点东西来吃吧。”“正合我意,我饿坏了。” 2 say /ˈseɪ/ noun 2 say /ˈseɪ/ noun Learner's definition of SAY 1  [singular] : an opportunity to express your opinion说话的机会;发言权 Everybody had a say at the meeting.每个人在会上都有发言的机会。 We won't make a decision until all members have had their say.所有成员都发表意见后,我们才会做出决定。 2  : the power to decide or help decide something决定权 [singular] The judge will have the final say on/over the divorce settlement.法官对这个离婚协议有最终决定权。 — usually + in The students want a greater say in decisions that affect their education.对于关乎他们的影响教育的那些决策,学生们想要有更大的决定权。 [noncount] He had no/some/little say in the matter.他在那件事情上没有/有一点/几乎没有决定权。 3 say /ˈseɪ/ interjection 3 say /ˈseɪ/ interjection Learner's definition of SAY chiefly US, informal 1  — used to express surprise, shock, etc.嘿,咦(表惊讶、震惊等) Say, isn't that your friend over there?咦,那不是你的朋友吗? Say, that's a wonderful idea.嘿,这是个好主意! 2  — used to attract the attention of someone喂,我说(用于提请别人注意) Say there. Can you help me?喂,能帮我一下吗? Say, do you want to see a movie tonight?我说,今晚去看场电影怎样?




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