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词汇 well
释义 well (adjective) well (interjection) well (noun) well (verb) well 74 ENTRIES FOUND: well (adverb) well (adjective) well (interjection) well (noun) well (verb) well-adjusted (adjective) well-advised (adjective) well-appointed (adjective) well-balanced (adjective) well-behaved (adjective) well-being (noun) well-bred (adjective) well-built (adjective) well-connected (adjective) well-defined (adjective) well-developed (adjective) well-disposed (adjective) well-documented (adjective) well-done (adjective) well-dressed (adjective) well-earned (adjective) well-endowed (adjective) well-fed (adjective) well-founded (adjective) well-groomed (adjective) well-grounded (adjective) well-heeled (adjective) well-informed (adjective) well-intentioned (adjective) well-kept (adjective) well-known (adjective) well-liked (adjective) well-made (adjective) well-mannered (adjective) well-meaning (adjective) well-meant (adjective) well-nigh (adverb) well-off (adjective) well-oiled (adjective) well-ordered (adjective) well-placed (adjective) well-preserved (adjective) well-read (adjective) well-rounded (adjective) well-run (adjective) well-spoken (adjective) well-thought-of (adjective) well-thought-out (adjective) well-timed (adjective) well-to-do (adjective) well-tried (adjective) well-trodden (adjective) well-turned (adjective) well-wisher (noun) well-worn (adjective) artesian well (noun) ne'er-do-well (noun) oil well (noun) wishing well (noun) alive (adjective) alone (adverb) bloody (adverb) do (verb) full (adverb) good (adjective) jolly (adverb) just (adverb) leave (verb) mean (verb) pretty (adverb) ruddy (adverb) sit (verb) very (adverb) wear (verb) 1 well /ˈwɛl/ adverb better /ˈbɛtɚ/ ; best /ˈbɛst/ 1 well /ˈwɛl/ adverb better /ˈbɛtɚ/ ; best /ˈbɛst/ Learner's definition of WELL 1  a  : in a successful way成功地;顺利地 “How did everything go?” “It went well, thank you.”“一切都好吗?”“都好,谢谢。” The plan worked well.计划进展顺利。 She works well under pressure.她在有压力的情况下工作得很出色。 I did surprisingly well on my history test.我的历史测验成绩出乎意料地好。 The company is doing well.公司发展势头良好。 He has his own business and is doing well for himself.他有自己的生意,并且干得非常好。 You got a perfect score! Well done!你得了满分!真棒! — see also do well at 1do b  : in a skillful way熟练地;技术好地 She sings and plays the guitar quite well.她歌唱得好,吉他也弹得好。 The essay is well written.这篇文章写得很好。 c  : in a good, proper, or positive way好;恰当地;积极地 He doesn't smoke or drink, and he eats well.他不吸烟不喝酒,并且饮食得当。 She doesn't treat her boyfriend very well.她对男朋友不是很好。 Did he take the news well? [=did he respond to the news in a positive way?]他泰然地接受了那个消息吗? The decision did not sit well with him. [=he was not happy about the decision]他对此决定感到不快。 d  : in a kind, friendly, or generous way友善地;好意地;慷慨地 The novel was well received by the critics.这部小说受到评论家好评。 They always speak well of you.他们总说你的好话。 I wish her well. [=I hope she does well; I hope that she succeeds]我祝福她成功。 He means well [=he has good intentions], but he's not really helping anyone.他本意是好的,但其实他谁也没帮上。 The company did well by me when I retired. [=the company treated me well when I retired]我退休时,公司待我很好。 2  : completely or fully完全地;充分地;足够地 We are well aware of the problem.我们充分意识到这个问题。 The food at the restaurant is well worth the trip.这家餐馆的美食让人不虚此行。 Their kitchen is well equipped.他们的厨房设备十分齐全。 Your promotion is well deserved.你的晋升是当之无愧的。 The plane was well out of sight.飞机早已飞出了视线。 I can understand your dilemma very well.我完全理解你的两难处境。 She knows the area quite well.她十分熟悉那个地区。 I knew him well when we were in high school together.我们一起读高中时,我和他很熟。 I remember her well enough. = I remember her fairly well.我清楚地记得她。 3  : to a great degree or extent很;相当 The group has sold well over a million albums.这个流行乐团已经卖出远超100万张的唱片。 The temperature will be well [=far] above average today. It will be well into the nineties.今天的气温将远高于平均温度,达到90多华氏度。 He is well on his way to becoming a superstar.他很有希望成为一位超级明星。 I'm well into the book and should finish it soon.这本书我看了不少了,应该很快就能看完。 She walked well ahead of the group.她远远走在队伍前面。 4  a  — used for emphasis to say that something is or is not proper, appropriate, etc.有充分理由地,合理地(用于强调某事物恰当或不恰当) She's angry, and well she should be. [=she has a good reason to be angry]她生气了,而且她完全有理由生气。 — usually used with can, could, may, or might通常与can、 could、may或might连用 I cannot very well refuse the invitation. [=it would be improper for me to refuse the invitation]我拒绝这个邀请的话,不太合适。 I couldn't very well just walk right in!我直接走进去是不大合适的! And what, one might/may well ask, makes this computer system worth its high price?人们完全有理由提出,是什么让这一电脑系统售价如此之高? The decision may well be questioned.这一决定有充分理由会遭到质疑。 b  : very possibly很可能 — usually used with could, may, or might通常与could、may或might连用 You could very well be right. [=it is very possible that you are right]你很可能是正确的。 The concert may well be sold-out. [=it is possible/likely that the concert is sold-out]演唱会的票很可能售完了。 It may well be true.这很可能是真的。 c  : without doubt or question毫无疑问地 They can well afford to be generous.他们当然有条件大方。 As you well know, I don't approve of this. = As you know very well, I don't approve of this.你当然知道,我不赞成这样。 You know perfectly well how to do it.你完全清楚怎么去做。 Their relationship is well and truly over.他们的关系彻底结束了。 5  a  ◊ To live well is to live in the comfortable and enjoyable way of people who have a lot of money, possessions, etc.过富足生活;过得好 He made a lot of money in real estate and was able to live very well after his retirement.他在房地产上赚了一大笔钱,退休后能过富足的生活。 b  ◊ To marry well is to marry someone who has high social status, wealth, etc.嫁(或娶)得好;婚姻令人满意 Their son/daughter married well.他们儿子/女儿的婚事令人满意。 as well 1  as well (as) : in addition to someone or something else也;又;还 You bought a new car? I bought one as well. [=also, too]你买了辆新车吗?我也买了一辆。 He is loyal, and brave as well. = He is brave as well as loyal. [=he is brave and also loyal]他既勇敢又忠诚。 The coach, as well as the team, is ready.教练和球队都已就位。 She is good at softball as well as basketball.她擅长垒球,篮球打得也很好。 2  a  — used in phrases like might as well and may as well to say that something should be done or accepted because it cannot be avoided or because there is no good reason not to do it应该;最好 You might as well tell them the truth.你应该告诉他们实情。 We may as well begin now.我们最好现在就开始。 They're not going to change their decision, so you might (just) as well get used to it.他们不会改变决定的,所以你最好还是服从吧。 (informal) “Should we start now?” “Might as well.”“我们现在开始吗?”“最好开始吧。” b  — used to say that something else could have been done with the same result还是…的好;倒不如 The party was so dull that I might (just) as well have stayed home.那次聚会太无聊了,我还不如待在家里。 3  : in the same way同样地 You know as well as I do [=you and I both know] that we can't afford that car.你和我同样清楚,我们买不起那辆车。 2 well /ˈwɛl/ adjective better; best 2 well /ˈwɛl/ adjective better; best Learner's definition of WELL 1  : in good health : healthy健康的;身体好的 The children are well again.孩子们又恢复了健康。 He is not well. = He is not a well man.他身体不好。 I don't feel very well.我觉得不大舒服。 You don't look so well.你气色不好。 I hope you get well soon.我希望你早日康复。 2  not used before a noun : in a good or satisfactory state良好;令人满意 I hope all is well with you and your family.希望你和你的家人一切安好。 We almost didn't make it here, but all's well that ends well. [=we can forget about how unpleasant or difficult it was because everything ended in a good way]我们差点就失败了,不过结果好一切就都好。 I should have left/let well (enough) alone [=I should not have tried to make the situation better], but instead I tried to help and only made things worse.我不去管它就好了,我尽力帮忙却把事情弄得更糟了。 3  not used before a noun, formal : wise, sensible, or reasonable明智;理智;合理 It might be well [=it might be a good idea] for you to leave now.你最好现在就离开。 It would be as well for you to get some rest. [=you should get some rest]你应该休息一下。 alive and well — see alive all very well or all well and good — used to say that something may seem proper, good, or reasonable by itself but that there are other things that also have to be considered好倒是好(不过…);很好(但是…) It's all very well your telling me to take it easy, but I have a deadline to meet!你让我不要急,话是不错,但我得赶上截止日期! They say we have to improve our schools. That's all very well, but the question is, how can we find the money to do it?他们说我们必须改善办学条件。说得倒是很好,但问题是我们上哪儿弄钱来改善啊? It is all well and good that you have been enjoying yourself, but you have to start saving your money.你一直尽情享受,这固然很好,但你也得开始存钱了。 just as well — see 2just very well — see 1very 3 well /ˈwɛl/ interjection 3 well /ˈwɛl/ interjection Learner's definition of WELL 1  — used to show that you are unsure about something you are saying唔,嗯,哦(表示对要说的话不确定) They are, well, not quite what you'd expect.他们,嗯,不完全是你期望的那样。 “How old is he?” “Well, let me see now…”“他多大?”“唔,让我想想…” “Can you explain how it works?” “Well, I can try.”“你能解释它是如何运作的吗?”“哦,我来试试。” Well, I suppose I could help you just this once.噢,我想我只能帮你这一次。 2  — used to show that you accept something even though you are not happy about it嗯,好吧(表示不高兴地接受某事物) “I'm sorry about the mix-up.” “Well, that's OK. These things happen.”“很抱歉,弄乱了。”“好啦,没关系。这种事常有的。” Oh, very well. I suppose we can finish this discussion tomorrow.哦,好吧。我想我们明天可以结束这场讨论。 “We're busy this week.” “Oh, well, maybe we can get together next week.”“我们这周很忙。”“哦,那好吧,也许我们下周可以聚一聚。” 3  — used when you are trying to persuade someone or to make someone feel less upset, worried, etc.好啦,哎呀(用于劝说或让人不要生气、焦虑等) Well, maybe it won't be that bad.哎呀,也许没那么糟呢。 Well, you should at least consider their offer before you reject it.哎,你拒绝之前至少应该考虑一下他们的条件。 4  — used when you are saying in a mild way that you disapprove of or disagree with something那么,嗳,哎(温和地表示不赞成、不同意) Well, what if you're wrong?那么,要是你错了呢? Well, I still think my way is better.哎,我仍然认为我的方法更好。 5  — used to show that you are waiting for someone to say or do something怎么样呢,哎(表示等待回答或行动) Well, what have you decided?哎,你怎么决定的? Well, don't just stand there—give me a hand!哎,别光站在那儿——给我搭把手! 6  — used to say that something has ended or to make a final statement about something好,好啦(用于结束活动或对话) Well, we'd better get going.好啦,我们最好开始吧。 Well, that's all of it.好啦,就是那样了。 Well, thanks for everything.好啦,谢谢你做的一切。 Well then, it's all set. There's nothing more to do.好啦,都准备好了。不用再干什么了。 7  — used to begin a story or explanation or to continue one that was interrupted这个,嗯(用于开始新话题或继续原来的话题) Well, what happened was this. I fell asleep.唔,事情是这样的。我睡着了。 Well, as I was saying, I had never been there before.这个,我刚才说了,我以前从没去过那儿。 You know Tom, don't you? Well, I ran into him yesterday.你认识汤姆,对吧?是这样的,我昨天遇见他了。 “He speaks excellent Spanish.” “Well, after all, he did study in Spain for a couple of years.”“他西班牙语说得好极了。”“嗯,他毕竟在西班牙学习了几年。” 8  — used to express happiness or relief好啊,啊(表喜悦、松一口气等) “We're getting married.” “Well, that's great news! Congratulations!”“我们要结婚了。”“啊,真是好消息!恭喜!” “The doctor says it's nothing serious.” “Well, thank goodness!”“医生说不严重。”“啊,谢天谢地!” 9  — used to express surprise or annoyance啊,哎呀,哼(表惊讶或恼怒) Well, well, what do we have here?哼,看看我们这儿有什么? Well, hello! I wasn't expecting you so soon.啊,你好!没想到你这么快就到了。 Well, if it isn't my old friend Tom!哎呀,这不是我的老朋友汤姆吗! Is that so? Well, I never would have guessed.是这样啊?哎,我永远也想不到。 Well! It's about time you showed up!哼!你该出现了! 10  — used when you want to correct a previous statement嗯,哦(用于更正之前的叙述) Everyone—well, almost everyone—attended the meeting.所有人——嗯,几乎所有人——都参加了会议。 4 well /ˈwɛl/ noun plural wells 4 well /ˈwɛl/ noun plural wells Learner's definition of WELL [count] 1  : a deep hole made in the ground through which water can be removed井;水井 — see also artesian well, wishing well 2  : oil well — see also inkwell, stairwell 5 well /ˈwɛl/ verb wells; welled; welling 5 well /ˈwɛl/ verb wells; welled; welling Learner's definition of WELL [no object] of a liquid : to rise to a surface and flow out涌出;流出;溢出 — usually + up Tears of joy welled up in her eyes. [=her eyes filled with tears of joy]她的眼里流出了喜悦的泪水。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 He felt anger welling up inside him. [=he felt himself becoming angry]他觉得怒火中烧。




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